Herd, der – kamna, krb, krb, topeniště, ohniště

etymologicky souvisí s anglickým hearth – krb


Kohlenherd, der – sporák na uhlí

auf dem Herd summt der Teekessel – na sporáku hučí konvice na čaj

Herd des Erdbebens – epicentrum zemětřesení

Herd internationaler Spannungen – ohnisko mezinárodního napětí


A close-up scene inspired by a Chinese film, focusing on a teakettle humming on a stove. The teakettle is traditional in design, perhaps made of cast iron or ceramic, with intricate patterns or symbols typical of Chinese art. The stove should be styled in a way that complements the teakettle, possibly with an old-fashioned or rustic look. The background is softly blurred to emphasize the detail on the teakettle, creating an intimate and warm atmosphere. Subtle steam should be visible, indicating the kettle is ready, and the lighting should be soft, enhancing the cozy feeling of the scene.



